Creating Documentation

To get started with contributing to the Achilles Lexicon, we have to do some first steps in case you don’t have the tools or if you do, then you can jump right in, but before so, get acquainted with the guidelines we follow.

1. Installation


If you have any of these already installed then you can skip that step.

1.1. Python 3

To get started, we need to install Python 3. Dowload the latest version of Python at the Python website.

When installing Python, remember to check Add Python 3.x to PATH

Add Python to PATH

Choose the default install option - Install Now

Python installer

1.2. Git Bash

To get the documentation and later save your changes and upload them to GitHub, we need Git.

To download Git, go to the Git project website.

Follow the default installer options and you should be fine.

1.3. Sphinx

To install Sphinx open Git Bash and run the following command:

pip install sphinx


If running the above command, you experience and error: try running Git Bash as administrator.

1.4. Make

We use Make for easy building of documentation which can also be used to display any errors.

Download Make from here. Install it following all the defaults.

Once installed, you should add the Make directory path to the PATH system variable.

1.4.1. Adding Make to the PATH variable

  1. Find the Edit the system environment variables in Control Panel or in Search for Windwos 10 machines.
Edit the system environment variables
  1. Click on the environment variables button.
Environment variables
  1. Find the Path variable under the System variables and press Edit.
Path under system variables

4. Press New and enter the installation directory of Make and add bin to the path and save.

C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\
Add Make install directory to Path

5. After this you should be able to run make in Git Bash and you should see the following:

make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.


If you run the make command in Git Bash and see the following:

bash: make: command not found

Restart all open Git Bash’es to refresh the loaded PATH variable.

2. Editor set up

2.1. Visual Studio Code

If you are using Visual Studio Code, we recommend using the following extensions to provide a better documentation experience.

  • reStructuredText for editing restructured text and having a preview in-editor.

3. Cloning the repository


To quickly open up the directory you want in Git Bash, you can use the context menu (Right Mouse Button) in Windows Explorer and click Git Bash Here.

To get Achilles, you need to fork Achilles and open up Git Bash and run the following commands:

git clone
cd Achilles/
git checkout rewrite
git checkout -b aMeaningfulBranchNameHere

4. Building documentation

To build documentation locally and to test for errors, run the following in Git Bash:

cd docs/
make html

If documentation was built without warnings and errors, then you can create a commit and push to GitHub:

git add .
git commit -m "Enter a meaningful commit message here"
git push origin aMeaningfulBranchNameHere

Afterwards, go into GitHub and create a pull request.

5. Documentation guidelines

5.1. Table of contents

Each page should have a table of contents, which is a restructured text directive called .. contents::.

5.2. Numbering system

All pages must contain numbered headings with the format: x.x.x..


Note the last dot after all the numbers.

The deepest level you can go into is 3 levels deep (x.x.x.).

5.3. Headings

Headings are formatted as follows:

Page title (section) (will be displayed in the left sidebar)

Typically, here you would insert the table of contents.

1. Subsection

This is a subsection.

1.1. Subsubsection

This is a subsubsection.

1.1.1. Paragraph

This is a paragraph.

1.1.2. Another paragraph

This is another paragraph.

2. Different subsection

This is a completely different subsection.


Notation under headings are to be the exact length as the title, otherwise it is considered a error.

5.5. Naming

All pages, sections, subsections, etc. are to have a meaningful name and should closely represent the actual content under the heading.

Page titles should not start with numbers unless absolutely necessary.

Headings should avoid using complicated names that would be difficult to understand by inexperienced users.

Headings are to be short and concise without being overly long to prevent issues on mobile devices.

Headings are to start with a capital letter but then follow lowercase.


In case there is an acronym (should be avoided), a name or anything else that should start with a capital letter, then it is to be considered an exception to the naming rule above.

5.5. Images

To declutter the directory structure, images should be in separate directories, where only images are stored for only one page.

6. Restructured text cheat sheet

A useful and more comprehensive cheat sheet for restructured text can be found on Thomas Cokelaer’s website.